Vera Komnig

Art/ Paintings and more…

Impressionen vom Niederrhein…Impressions from the Lower Rhine..

12 Kommentare

Am Wochenende habe ich einen herrlich sonnigen Tag am Niederrhein verlebt und euch ein paar Fotos mit gebracht…

On the weekend I spent a glorious sunny day on the Lower Rhine and brought you a few photos with 🙂

Autor: Vera Komnig

Ich bin diplomierte Grafik Designerin und freie Künstlerin, die für ihr Leben gern in Farbe schwelgt, schwimmt, sie atmet und "trinkt", spürt und riecht. Ich liebe es, kreativ schöpferisch tätig zu sein und dem "Flow" zu folgen und gehe gerne auch mit "ungewöhnlichen" Materialien um.

12 Kommentare zu “Impressionen vom Niederrhein…Impressions from the Lower Rhine..

  1. These are lovely photos. Thank you for your gift, Vera 🙂


  2. Great photos, especially the one with the gate. Loved it.


  3. Really love the gate!


  4. It does look like a glorious day! Thanks for taking us with you. 🙂


  5. Yes, dear Teagan, it was a glorious day. Thank you so much for your visit and nice words 🙂


  6. When I saw it, I immediately felt that this goal has many stories to tell and remained there silently listening before I banished the moment in a photo. I am glad that you like it too 🙂


  7. Thank you so much! 🙂

    Gefällt 1 Person

  8. Thank you so much for your friendliness, dear Tish 🙂


  9. Very inspiring images and joyful. Love the light. Have a great week!

    Gefällt 1 Person

  10. Thank you, dear Olga and I wish you a very happy week too 🙂 🙂


  11. Hi,
    I love your paint brushes. Thank you for visiting my site on Saturday. Sorry I couldn’t come sooner. I know some of the people here.


  12. Thank you, Janice 🙂


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