Vera Komnig

Art/ Paintings and more…

Yin und Yang…

11 Kommentare

Yin und Yang

Schwarz und Weiss…Black and White

Gestern Abend erfuhr ich, dass die kleine, süße No. 346 nun auch auf Reisen gehen darf.

Last night I learned that the little, sweet No. 346 now is allowed to go on trips.

No. 346

SOLD (USA) No. 346Acrylic on canvas40x 30 cm

Sie fliegt zu ihrem „Geschwisterchen“, der No. 347, nach Colorado. Das freut mich ganz besonders!

Habt es gut, ihr beiden Süßen!

She flies to her „sibling“, the No. 347, to Colorado. That makes me very happy!

Have a good time, you two sweeties!

Und jetzt erfahre ich, dass ein sehr lieber Freund an Lungenkrebs erkrankt ist…

Anschaulicher kann das Leben das Prinzip von Yin und Yang nicht illustrieren. Freud und Leid…ich habe Tränen in den Augen.

And now I learn that a very dear friend has lung cancer …

More clearly, life can not illustrate the principle of yin and yang. Joy and sorrow … I have tears in my eyes.

Lieber W.: ich sende dir Liebe und Kraft und Gebete. Eine Kerze brennt für dich.

Dear W .: I send you love and strength and prayers. A candle is burning for you.

Autor: Vera Komnig

Ich bin diplomierte Grafik Designerin und freie Künstlerin, die für ihr Leben gern in Farbe schwelgt, schwimmt, sie atmet und "trinkt", spürt und riecht. Ich liebe es, kreativ schöpferisch tätig zu sein und dem "Flow" zu folgen und gehe gerne auch mit "ungewöhnlichen" Materialien um.

11 Kommentare zu “Yin und Yang…

  1. Good morning dear Vera. Yes, life is all about Yin and Yang. We are up one moment and down another, but I believe everything is interwoven in ways that sometimes we mere mortals find very hard to understand.

    I am so happy about your news with regards to your painting. I love Colorado…a good place to have your art.

    I am so sorry to hear about your friend and I can only say that I hope she does well with whatever treatment she chooses to have.

    With love – Your sister-in art Janet xx

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  2. My dearest sister in art, Janet. Can’t say more in the moment than: thank you! For your love and all ❤ ❤

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  3. We look forward to receiving her. It is a privilege to have these 2 in our home.

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  4. Dear David Loring, I am very happy to read this 🙂
    Your No. 346 is securely packaged on the way to you and the Estimated Delivery is today : Wednesday, January 23, 2019 By End of Day. I hope you have the trackingnumber?

    I wish you much joy and a magic time with the two little cuties.

    Warm greetings from a very cold and snowy Germany.
    Vera 🙂


  5. Prayers of strength and comfort for your friend, Vera. ❤
    Yin and Yang is a beautiful work, and as you say, joy and sorrow. Life.

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  6. Thank you so much for your good wishes for my friend ❤
    I wish you a jouful time, dear Inese! 🙂

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  7. She arrived safely. I emailed you a picture. Thank you very much and stay warm.

    Best – Dave

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  8. Pingback: Was ist mit der süßen kleinen No. 346?…What’s about with the cute little No. 346? | Vera Komnig

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